History (Updated 01/12/2023 at 11:27 AM)
1950's |
Marshall County Amateur Radio Club Founded |
1968 |
Charter Members included Bob Newcomb K9ZLM/SK, Mildred Buvey K9ZLB/SK |
1970's |
The Marshall County Amateur Radio Club conducted more than one HAM FESTS that were held at the Indiana National Guard Armory in Plymouth, Indiana. Some of the members were, Wayne Zehner, K9WZ, Richard Bashum, K9ILU, Dave Speegle, NE9F |
1970 |
MCARC is meeting at the Marshall County Civil Defense Building
1971 |
1972 |
Wayne Zehner is President. Dick Bashum is the Secretary |
MCARC participated in Blue Berry Festival by providing coverage of the Blue Berry Parade on slow scan TV to the nursing homes. |
Photos from June 1972 73 Magazine featuring the MCARC televising of the 1971 Marshall County Blueberry Parade. |
1973 |
Not sure what year this was but it had to be around 1973 or 1974. This poem Jeannie WB9YDC and I wrote for the Christmas Party that year. -Wayne Zehner, K9WZ |
1976 |
Jack Easterday, WB9PCF/SK filed with the Indiana Secretary of State and the Internal Revenue Service to establish the club as a Not For Profit Organization. Ended on 7-31-1989 |
1983 |
FCC develops the Volunteer Examiners Program. The MCARC begins offering VE Testing which continues to the current time. (December 1983) |
1989 |
MCARC left the Marshall County Civil Defense Building. |
2000 |
FCC changes the license classes from 5 to 3. (4-15-2000) |
2007 |
FCC drops the Morse Code requirements for all 3-license classes. (2-23-2007) |
2008 |
Terry Green and Dale Schrom established an ARES group as part of the club. Dale is the ARRL Emergency Coordinator. The ARES group folded several years later. |
2009 |
Current K9ZLQ 146.670 repeater goes online at the ATT tower located on SR 10. Member Richard Bashum K9ILU coordinated with the tower owner to place a repeater on line and use the existing antenna and tower space. |
2015 |
MCARC President Terry Green W9TRG and other members assist with programing All Hazard Radios at Walgreens in Plymouth. |
2016 |
11-year-old Neomiah Haschel KD9HNE earned his technician license after passing his test offered by the VE Team at the club meeting. (Dec 6th 2016) |
2017 |
Election of officers was held (May 22, 2017):
2018 |
Election of Officers was held (June 25, 2018):
MCARC participated in Jamboree on the Air at Potato Creek State Park in support of the LaSalle Council BSA Iron Horse Festival. This is now supported annually. |
2019 |
Greg Haschel W9GND elected President. Chuck Dilts N9CD is Vice President |
Club began offering Technician Level classes using Ham Radio School training material (https://www.hamradioschool.com). The first class had 15 students. |
Greg Haschel W9GND and others conducted a balloon launch from the park in Argos.
Richard Bashum K9ILU (VE Coordinator) reported there were 26 individuals who took and passed testing, earning their amateur license. |
2020 |
COVID-19 Pandemic Begins. MCARC moved its meetings and home base from the REMC Building to the Cornerstone Church, Argos as result of the pandemic. VE testing continued. |
Richard Bashum K9ILU (VE Coordinator) reported there were 34 individuals who took and passed testing, earning their amateur license. |
2021 |
Chuck Dilts N9CAD elected President, Greg Hashell W9GND is Vice President. |
Past President Terry R Greene W9TRG/SK passed away. (2-10-21) |
The MCARC Website updated with assistance of Les Turner, W9LRT and Ruth Dilts, K9RLD. |
The first annual HAMFAM picnic was held the Cornerstone Church, SR 10 Argos. |
MCARC participated in Winter and Summer Field Day. Several contacts were made. |
Chuck Dilts, N9CAD is appointed as the ARRL ARES Emergency Coordinator |
2022 |
Officer elections for 2022: The vote was by paper ballot, with these results:
Past Vice President Charles “Chuck” Turner KC9PRJ/SK passed away. (3-13-22) |
MCARC offers its first General class in many years. |
MCARC filed for, and was and approved for, a 501(c)3 Non For Profit designation with the Indiana Secretary of State and Internal Revenue Service in order to open new bank accounts. (April 1st. 2022) |
Marshall County Amateur Radio Club, Inc. participated in the Winter and Summer Field Day Events. There was good attendance and there were lots of contacts made on HF and 2 meter. (July 2022) |
The 2nd Annual HAM FAM picnic was held at the club headquarters at the Cornerstone Church on SR 10. 29 members, friends, guests attended. (17 September 2022) |
The Fall Technician Course was held. Instructors were Greg Haschel, Byron Smith, and Richard Bashum (19 September - 8 November 2022) |
Marshall County ARES Team (MCARC members) participated in the 2022 Operation Rainfall S.E.T. Members (Chuck Dilts, Ruth Dilts, Chuck Rowe, Frank Endres, MC EMA Clyde Avery, and Mark Haskins) practiced sending messages using the ARRL Radio Gram and ICS Form 213 via voice and Winlink. (1 October 202 | ||
The 2023 Officer Elections were held at the December meeting. The following Officers will take office on 1 January 2023. Chuck Dilts N9CAD, President, Greg Haschel W9GND, Vice President, Ruth Dilts K9RLD Secretary, , Gene Painton Treasurer, Rich Sytsma N9GPY, Director (1 yr), Les Turner W9LRT (2 yr), and Jeff Hoffman (3 yr). Richard Basham K9ILU, Trustee - 19 December 2022 |