Club Repeaters

  • Culver, IN
    146.670 mHz
    -  .600 Offset
    131.8 pl
  • Culver, IN
    443.250 mHz
    + 5.0 Offset
    131.8 pl

Upcoming Events

  • 4th Monday at 7PM
    - Club Meeting
    - Cornerstone Church
    - Argos, IN
  • 4th Monday at 8PM
    - VE Testing
    - Cornerstone Church
    - Argos, IN


Marshall Cnty ARES Page


Weekly ARES Net on the
K9ZLQ (146.670 - 131.8pl)
Thursdays at 7:30pm (ET)

Band Conditions

 2023 Winter Field Day (Updated 02/01/2023 at 10:57 AM)

2023 Winter Field Day (WFD)

Winter Field Day is a communications exercise. WFD is held on the last full weekend in January. WFD can be worked from the comfort of your home or in a remote location. You can participate by yourself or get your friends, family, or whole club involved. Winter Field Day is open to participants worldwide. Amateur radio operators may use frequencies on the HF, VHF, or UHF bands and are free to use any mode that can faithfully transmit the required exchange intact. Like the ARRL’s Field Day, bonus points are earned in several ways, including using non-commercial power sources, operating from remote locations, satellite contacts, and more.

The Amateur Radio operators of the Marshall County Amateur Radio Club will be participating in the Worldwide Winter Field Day event, at the Cornerstone Church located at 11525 State Road 10, Argos, Indiana 46501. The twenty-four-hour event starts at 1:00 PM on January 28 and runs till 12:00 AM on January 29, 2023. 

Amateur Radio operators provide a critical public service for our community; during times of disaster, we can provide reliable communications when the normal infrastructure is offline. Licensed by the Federal Communications Commission and trained in the art and science of radio communication and basic electronics theory, we own and maintain our own communications equipment and are prohibited by federal law from receiving payment for our services. ARRL, our national organization, has built relationships with several served agencies including FEMA, the Red Cross, the Salvation Army, and many others.

This public service is easily extended during non-emergency civic events, such as parades, marathons, and street festivals.

Field Day is our chance to show the science, service, and skill we can offer to our community free of charge. We would love the opportunity to show you our capabilities in person.


We had a total of 32 operators and visitors during our time at WFD.  Much food was consumed, Rag-chewing at its best, new experiences made, 57 contacts made, and an overall great time.  The two youth boys visiting, Linda N9PRR, Fred KD9OEW, and Gil KD9NTU, all made their first contact on HF. Below are pictures and comments about our day.


The following was posted to the Winter Field Day Facebook page by our own Greg Haschel, W9GND -

The Marshall County Amateur Radio Club operated as 1I. We made 57 contacts over the course of 10 hours. We powered the station with a club members incredible - newly constructed portable power bank, and found some faulty components that need to be replaced in preparation for a true emergency. Was it successful?  Was it worth it?  We had two youngsters with out licenses get on the air and are now excited about amateur radio. We had two OM with licenses get on HF for the first time and learned how to operate the low bands. We had one mic shy YL with a license who conquered her fear of the microphone and made most of our contacts. We operated indoors, in the warm, with food and fun and fellowship, had a great time, learned some things, passed on the hobby to the next generation and I say YES!  Yes it was worth it. Thanks to all the the hard work the WFD team puts into this event. Lastly, however the operators choose to participate, within the scope of the rules, keep up the good work to make this hobby the amazing lifelong learning experience that we all enjoy.


PICTURES Courtesy of Jeff N9PCP and Claudia N9CPC -




PICTURES Courtesy of Gene N9ELP - 




PICTURES Courtesy of Ruth K9RLD- 



PICTURES Courtesy of Greg W9GND- 

These are our finals for the day!  Awesome Job Greg and all.


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