Club Repeaters

  • Culver, IN
    146.670 mHz
    -  .600 Offset
    131.8 pl
  • Culver, IN
    443.250 mHz
    + 5.0 Offset
    131.8 pl

Upcoming Events

  • 4th Monday at 7PM
    - Club Meeting
    - Cornerstone Church
    - Argos, IN
  • 4th Monday at 8PM
    - VE Testing
    - Cornerstone Church
    - Argos, IN


Marshall Cnty ARES Page


Weekly ARES Net on the
K9ZLQ (146.670 - 131.8pl)
Thursdays at 7:30pm (ET)

Band Conditions

 Meetings (Updated 05/19/2024 at 10:33 AM)

Marshall County
Amateur Radio Club

May 2024 meeting is back at the Cornerstone Church in Argos.


Mays meeting will be on May 20th due to Memorial Day!

Meetings begin at 7PM (Eastern Time)

VE Testing for all license classes after each meeting at 8PM.


The Cornerstone Church is located at
11525 State Road 10W 
  Argos, IN 46501

Next Meeting:  27 May 2024 @ 700pm



Marshall County

Marshall County Sheriff's Department

Enter thru lobby.

Contact for Meeting information.

Meetings do not have a set date and time at the moment.

Next Meeting:  TBD @ 700pm




 Marshall County Fox Hunt


Next Hunt: SEE you in 2024


Foker Park (Pond Park), Argos, IN 46501, On Kenilworth Rd. At the Railroad tracks.

Transmitter turns on at 1pm EST.



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