Club Repeaters

  • Culver, IN
    146.670 mHz
    -  .600 Offset
    131.8 pl
  • Culver, IN
    443.250 mHz
    + 5.0 Offset
    131.8 pl

Upcoming Events

  • 4th Monday at 7PM
    - Club Meeting
    - Cornerstone Church
    - Argos, IN
  • 4th Monday at 8PM
    - VE Testing
    - Cornerstone Church
    - Argos, IN


Marshall Cnty ARES Page


Weekly ARES Net on the
K9ZLQ (146.670 - 131.8pl)
Thursdays at 7:30pm (ET)

Band Conditions

 Skywarn Weather Spotting (Updated 03/01/2023 at 11:02 AM)

Train now!  Tomorrow may be to late!!

Skywarn® Spotter Training
- Spring 2023 In Person and Virtual Registration Is OPEN -​

​Dates and Registration Links

General Information - Logistics, notifications, etc.

Equipment Requirements - Please review this before you attend/register

Additional Spotter Training Resources

Dates and Registration Links

Date Time Registration Link/Additional Details
IN PERSON (Registration Requested-Details In the Registration Link)
March 6 (Dowagiac, MI-Cass County) 6 PM EST
March 15 (Wabash, IN-Wabash County) 630 PM EDT
March 20 (Paulding, OH-Paulding County) 6 PM EDT
March 28 (Albion, IN-Noble County) 630 PM EDT
VIRTUAL (Registration Required)
March 1 6 PM EST
March 10  11 AM EST
March 25 1 PM EDT

General Information

  • You only need to attend ONE session.
  • Training is free to attend
  • Registration is required for virtual sessions and strongly recommended for in person sessions to ensure sufficient seating
  • Program lasts approximately 2 hours - we will take a brief stretch break
  • The training IS NOT county specific
  • Recommended age is 14 and older

Equipment Requirements for Virtual Sessions

  • Computer with Internet Access
  • Active Email Address
  • Audio Capability (Must have speakers, microphone is optional)
    • Phone access is available if speakers/microphone do not work on your computer
  • Software installation (GoToWebinar)
  • Specific System Requirements (From GoToWebinar Webpage)​

Call: 574-834-1104
Facebook: @NWSNorthernindiana
Twitter: @NWSIWX

Skywarn Recognition Day

December  4, 2023

Skywarn Recognition Day. December 4, 2023 from 0000z to 2400z. SKYWARN™ Recognition Day was developed in 1999 by the National Weather Service and the American Radio Relay League. It celebrates the contributions that SKYWARN™ volunteers make to the NWS mission, the protection of life and property.


Call: 574-834-1104
Facebook: @NWSNorthernindiana
Twitter: @NWSIWX

Local Skywarn Nets


Fulton County Skywarn Net is every Thursday @ 7 PM on the 146.805 repeater. PL tone of 131.8



FACEBOOK: @elkhartcountyskywarn  

(574) 364-5758

Skywarn spotters watch the weather and give reports to the National Weather Service to keep everyone safe.

Ham Radio call sign is: KD9FCT

US National Weather Service Northern Indiana  · 

The National Weather Service is looking for more Skywarn Spotters, and this is your chance to join thousands of others who report the weather. Interested?

Here's how -

Northern Indiana Skywarn Page:

This page includes spotter resources, training links, spotter reference documentation. I recommend bookmarking and reviewing annually, more frequently leading up to significant weather events. There are three sections

•             Realtime Weather

Real time weather information including forecasts, hazardous weather outlook, and Storm Prediction Center outlooks. Links to NWS social media are also provided. - being aware of what to expect before the weather turns!

•             Training and Reference

Training provided by other sources including MetEd and, also includes other handy references for spotters regarding hail size chart, Beaufort wind chart, local area severe weather climatology, and more.

•             Reporting Procedures

How to make a spotter report and sources that can be used to make a spotter report.

Spotter Numbers:

The NWS Northern Indiana does NOT issue spotter numbers. We have found that properly trained spotters report in the proper format (TEL Method - Time Event Location) and the spotter numbers only cause confusion during already stressful and chaotic events.


Spotter Database:

We currently maintain a list of over 4000 spotters. The list is updated annually to remove spotters who have not attended training in the past three years and to remove inactive spotters. That being said, we rarely (if ever) use this list for anything other than maintaining approximate locations and contacts, should the need arise.  During active weather we DO NOT actively cross reference the spotter list when we receive a report.  We have found that properly trained spotters will use the TEL method (Time, Event Location.) Using the TEL method sets trained spotters apart from untrained spotters - and we can tell from the report if a person is trained or not.


Training Certificates:

We do not have the space, time, or resources to maintain certificates of training.  We ask that spotters maintain copies for your records.  Additionally, we do not offer 'advanced' spotter training. In reality, radar operations and interpretation are unnecessary for spotters. This stance is unpopular in the spotter/chaser community - but the NWS mission is to save lives, minimize losses, and help public officials make weather related decisions.  The NWS does not have the responsibility, nor the resources to provide hundreds of hours of meteorological training related to the operation and interpretation of radar, computer models, upper air soundings, atmospheric parameterization, numerical modeling, etc. There are many courses and colleges that offer this type of education, and I would encourage reviewing the handful of recommended baseline courses on the NWS Northern Indiana Skywarn Page.


Where to go from here:

Practice -

•             what does a good report look like and are you ready to report to the NWS?

•             What to report to the NWS and what methods work best for given events?

Communications -

•             What tools are you able to use to reach the NWS? 

Find a link to most of the reporting tools on the IWX Skywarn Page.

•             Do you have redundant communications?

Amateur Radio, cell phone, land line, internet

•             Does your amateur radio club have a procedure for net control operations that includes NWSChat Weather Liaisons? 

We work with the Net Control operators to gain access to NWSChat for the purpose of monitoring and reporting to the NWS directly.

•             Do you have access to social media and regularly monitor the NWS Facebook and/or Twitter accounts? 

Facebook and/or Twitter and bookmark our webpage and YouTube channel

•             Do you have the toll-free number saved and ready for reporting? 

This is only provided during our LIVE training sessions (virtual AND/OR in-person)

Additional Training:

•             Have you attended the Fall AND Spring spotter training sessions (virtual)?

•             Have you reviewed the online training from MetEd and/or Spotter Network - (find these on the IWX Skywarn Page)?

Coordinating with Local EMA:

•             Have you worked with the Local EMA office to assure you are aware of other local operational requirements and expectations?

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